Азербайджанскі дыван: Розніца паміж версіямі

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Радок 1:
[[Выява:Farsh tabriz.JPG|300px|thumb|Тыповы [[тебризскийтэбрызскі дыван]].]]
'''Азербайджанскі дыван''' — тэрмін, які выкарыстоўваецца для абазначэння розных тыпаў безворсовоебязворсавых і ворсовыхворсавых дываноў, якія вырабляюцца [[Азербайджанцы|азербайджанцамі]].<ref name=autogenerated20130124-1>Лятиф Керимов. Азербайджанский ковер. Том III. Баку: «Гянджлик», 1983, стр. 221. {{ref-ru}} {{ref-en}}</ref><ref name=autogenerated20130124-2>[http://ebooks.preslib.az/pdfbooks/rubooks/krovisk.pdf ''Н. А. Абдуллаева''. Ковровое искусство Азербайджана. — Баку, «Элм», 1971 — стр. 21] {{ref-ru}}</ref> Сярод азербайджанскіх дываноў вылучаюць Бакінскагабакінскія, Гянджынскагагянджынскія, казахскія, ширванские, шемахинские, карабахскай, кубінскія, ардебильские і [[тебризский дыван|тебризские]]. Большасць заходніх аўтараў, у тым ліку энцыклапедыі [[Encyclopædia Iranica|«Іраніка»]] і [[Энцыклапедыя Брытаніка|«Брытаніка»]], як правіла, адносяць дываны, вытканыя ў [[Іранскі Азербайджан|Іранскім Азербайджане]] да [[Персідскі дыван|персідскім]] ([[іран]]скім), а дываны вытканыя ў [[Азербайджан]]е і раёнах кампактнага пражывання азербайджанцаў ў [[Арменія|Арменіі]], [[Грузія|Грузіі]] і [[Дагестан]]е суадносяць да [[каўказ]]скім.<ref>[http://www.iranica.com/articles/carpets-xv Encyclopaedia Iranica. Carpets//xv. Caucasian Carpets] {{ref-en}}</ref><ref>[http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/512386/rug-and-carpet/73764/Periods-and-centres-of-activity#ref=ref599487 Encyclopedia Britannica. Oriental rugs. The Caucasus.] {{ref-en}}<blockquote>Rug weaving in the Caucasus extends back at least to medieval times, as fragments of knotted pile carpet from the 13th and 14th centuries have been uncovered in several cave complexes in Georgia. There is also reason to believe that the Persian Shāh ʿAbbās during the 17th century established manufactories in the Shirvan and Karabagh districts whose products included carpets, and a surviving group of large 17th- and 18th-century carpets may well be from this enterprise. Among the designs used were the avshan (geometrized calyx and stem), the harshang (crab), and a bold lattice design with stylized animals, including dragons, in the interstices. Almost certainly these carpets were based upon Persian prototypes, although they are characterized by bold, vigorous designs rather than traditional Persian fineness of weave.</blockquote>
</ref><ref>[http://www.cmgbooksandart.com/?page=shop/flypage&product_id=14205&CLSN_253=12539271912536d0982bce4db142e804 ''Siawosh AZADI; Latif KERIMOV; Werner ZOLLINGER''. Azerbaijani-Caucasian Rugs. — Switzerland Ulmke Collection, 2001. — p. 39. — ISBN 3-925813-10-1 / 9783925813108] {{ref-en}} <blockquote>Ninety percent of carpets, especially flatweaves and flatweave fabrics, which have become famous as Kavkaz (Caucasian), are in fact Azerbaijani carpets, which greatly influenced both the technical and artistic aspects of carpet weaving in the Caucasus and in Turkey and Iran.</blockquote></ref> Згодна класіфікацыі, прынятай у асноўным у Азербайджане і раней у [[СССР]], — адзін з відаў ўсходняга дывана.<ref name="Rothstein">[http://www.richardrothstein.com/caucasian-rugs-persian-rugs.html Richard Rothstein & Co. New York. About Caucasian Rugs and Persian Rugs] {{ref-en}} <blockquote>…generally these rugs have been classified as Caucasian rugs, which they are, but I further classify them as ''Azerbaijani Caucasian rugs'' to note their Azerbaijani origins… Moreover, the most sought after and valuable Persian rugs are in fact not even Persian in origin, they are ''Azerbaijani''. Serapi, Tabriz, Heriz, and Bakhshaish, generally regarded as among the most important «Persian rugs», are regions/cities in Southern Azerbaijan (also called Iranian Azerbaijan), which is not the Persia/Iran most of us think of today; though still today these rugs are incorrectly classified by the rug community as «Northwest Persian»…</blockquote></ref><ref>[http://books.google.com/books?id=YUhFTwZVeKYC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Emmett+Eiland&lr=&hl=ru&cd=1#v=onepage&q=&f=false ''Emmett Eiland''. Oriental Rugs Today. Berkeley Hills Books, Emmett Eiland’s Rugs: 2003. — ISBN 1-893163-46-6, 9781893163461] {{ref-en}}</ref>