Колеры HTML: Розніца паміж версіямі

[недагледжаная версія][недагледжаная версія]
Змесціва выдалена Змесціва дададзена
др вырашэнне неадназначнасцяў using AWB (7794)
др афармленне
Радок 1:
{{Глыбіня колеру}}
Існуюць некалькі асноўных спосабаў падання колераў у Сеціве.
ІснуюцьІснуе некалькі асноўных спосабаў паданняуказання колераў у Сеціве.
# У выглядзе #123ABC. Паданне ў выглядзе 6 шаснаццатковых лічбаў, кожныя 2 з якіх адказваюць за свой колер, 12 — [[чырвоны колер|чырвоны]], 3А — [[зялёны колер|зялёны]], ВС — [[сіні колер|сіні]]. Магчыма таксама кароткае паданне колеру ў выглядзе #ABC, што будзе інтэрпрэтавана як #AABBCC.
# Паданне ключавымі словамі, напрыклад ''green'', ''black''. Каб пазбегнуць выпадкаў «неразумення» [[браўзар]]амі ключавых слоў для абазначэння колераў, варта выкарыстаоўваць толькі невялікі набор асноўных колераў, якія ўсе браўзары могуць правільна інтэрпрэтаваць.
# У выглядзе #123ABC. ПаданнеУказанне ў выглядзе 6 шаснаццатковых лічбаў, кожныя 2дзве з якіх адказваюць за свой колер, 12  — [[чырвоны колер|чырвоны]], 3А  — [[зялёны колер|зялёны]], ВС  — [[сіні колер|сіні]]. Магчыма таксама кароткае паданне колеру ў выглядзе #ABC, што будзе інтэрпрэтавана як #AABBCC.
# У выглядзе rgb(*,*,*), дзе «*» — лікі ад 0 да 255, якія абазначаюць колькасць адпаведнага колеру (чырвоны, зялёны, сіні) у выніковым.
# ПаданнеУказанне ключавымі словамі, напрыклад ''green'', ''black''. Каб пазбегнуць выпадкаў «неразуменняне разумення» [[браўзар]]амі ключавых слоў для абазначэння колераў, варта выкарыстаоўвацьвыкарыстоўваць толькі невялікі набор асноўных колераў, якія ўсе браўзары могуць правільна інтэрпрэтаваць.
# У выглядзе rgb(*,*,*), дзе «*»  — лікі ад 0 да 255, якія абазначаюць колькасць адпаведнага колеру (чырвоны, зялёны, сіні) у выніковым.
== Назвы колераў у HTML ==
У спецыфікацыі [[HTML]] 4.01 <ref>[http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/types.html#h-6.5 HTML 4.01 Specification section 6.5 "«Colors"»]</ref> вызначаныя наступныя 16 ключавых колераў (у дадзеным кантэксце можна выкарыстоўваць як загалоўныя, так і малыя літары):
{| border=1
Радок 57 ⟶ 58:
|style="background:#ffff00; color:#000000; font-family:monospace;"|#ffff00
<small>У спецыфікацыі выкарыстоўваюцца англійскія назовынайменні колераў.</small>
<!-- These 16 were also specified as sRGB and included in the HTML 3.0 specification which noted "«These colors were originally picked as being the standard 16 colors supported with the Windows VGA palette."» It should be noted that [[fuchsia]] is exactly the same as [[magenta]] (in the list below) and similarly [[aqua]] is exactly the same as [[cyan]]. <ref>[http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html32#body HTML 3.2 Specification "«The BODY element"»]</ref>
It should be mentioned that all color values from #000000 - — #FFFFFF (16,777,215 colors) are valid.-->
== НазовыНайменні колераў X11 ==
<!-- In addition, a number of colors are defined by [[web browser]]s. A particular browser may not recognize all of these colors, but as of [[2005]] all modern general-use browsers support the full list. Many of these colors are from the list of [[X11 color names]] distributed with the [[X Window System]]. These colors were standardized by [[Scalable Vector Graphics|SVG 1.0]], and are accepted by [[Scalable Vector Graphics|SVG Full]] user agents. They are not part of [[Scalable Vector Graphics|SVG Tiny]].
Радок 71 ⟶ 72:
The list of colors actually shipped with the X11 product varies between implementations, and clashes with certain of the HTML names such as green. Furthermore, X11 colors are defined as simple RGB (hence, no particular color), rather than sRGB. This means that the list of colors found in X11 (e.g. in /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt) should not directly be used to choose colors for the web.<ref>[http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2002Apr/0052.html Public discussion on SVG mailing list ''Re: color names in SVG-1.0 conflict with /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt'']</ref>
The list of web "«X11 colors"» from the CSS3 specification, along with their hexadecimal and decimal equivalents,
is shown below, compare the alphabetical lists in the W3C standards.
<ref>[http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color#svg-color W3C TR CSS3 Color Module, SVG color keywords]</ref> <ref>[http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/types.html#ColorKeywords W3C TR SVG 1.0, recognized color keyword names]</ref>-->
{| style="font-size:90%;" cellpadding="4"
|- valign="top"
Радок 84 ⟶ 85:
|colspan=3; style="background:whitesmoke; color:slategray; text-align:left;"|<big>'''Чырвоныя'''</big>
|- style="background:indianred; color:white"
|IndianRed ||CD 5C 5C|| 205 92 92
|- style="background:lightcoral; color:black;"
|LightCoral ||F0 80 80||240 128 128
|- style="background:salmon; color:black;"
|Salmon ||FA 80 72||250 128 114
|- style="background:darksalmon; color:black;"
|DarkSalmon ||E9 96 7A||233 150 122
|- style="background:lightsalmon; color:black;"
|LightSalmon ||FF A0 7A||255 160 122
|- style="background:crimson; color:white; color:white;"
|Crimson ||DC 14 3C||220 20 60
|- style="background:red; color:white;"
|Red ||FF 00 00||255 0 0
|- style="background:firebrick; color:white;"
|FireBrick ||B2 22 22||178 34 34
|- style="background:darkred; color:white;"
|DarkRed ||8B 00 00||139 0 0
|colspan=3; style="background:whitesmoke; color:slategray; text-align:left;"|<big>'''Ружовыя'''</big>
|- style="background:pink; color:black;"
|Pink ||FF C0 CB||255 192 203
|- style="background:lightpink; color:black;"
|LightPink ||FF B6 C1||255 182 193
|- style="background:hotpink; color:white;"
|HotPink ||FF 69 B4||255 105 180
|- style="background:deeppink; color:white;"
|DeepPink ||FF 14 93||255 20 147
|- style="background:mediumvioletred; color:white;"
|MediumVioletRed||C7 15 85||199 21 133
|- style="background:palevioletred; color:white;"
|PaleVioletRed ||DB 70 93||219 112 147
|colspan=3; style="background:whitesmoke; color:slategray; text-align:left;"|<big>'''Аранжавыя'''</big>
|- style="background:lightsalmon; color:black;"
||LightSalmon ||FF A0 7A||255 160 122
|- style="background:coral; color:white;"
|Coral ||FF 7F 50||255 127 80
|- style="background:tomato; color:white;"
|Tomato ||FF 63 47||255 99 71
|- style="background:orangered; color:white;"
|OrangeRed ||FF 45 00||255 69 0
|- style="background:darkorange; color:white;"
|DarkOrange ||FF 8C 00||255 140 0
|- style="background:orange; color:white;"
|Orange ||FF A5 00||255 165 0
|colspan=3; style="background:whitesmoke; color:slategray; text-align:left;"|<big>'''Жоўтыя'''</big>
|- style="background:gold; color:black;"
|Gold ||FF D7 00||255 215 0
|- style="background:yellow; color:black;"
|Yellow ||FF FF 00||255 255 0
|- style="background:lightyellow; color:black;"
|LightYellow ||FF FF E0||255 255 224
|- style="background:lemonchiffon; color:black;"
|LemonChiffon ||FF FA CD||255 250 205
|- style="background:lightgoldenrodyellow; color:black;"
|LightGoldenrodYellow||FA FA D2||250 250 210
|- style="background:papayawhip; color:black;"
|PapayaWhip ||FF EF D5||255 239 213
|- style="background:moccasin; color:black;"
|Moccasin ||FF E4 B5||255 228 181
|- style="background:peachpuff; color:black;"
|PeachPuff ||FF DA B9||255 218 185
|- style="background:palegoldenrod; color:black;"
|PaleGoldenrod ||EE E8 AA||238 232 170
|- style="background:khaki; color:black;"
|Khaki ||F0 E6 8C||240 230 140
|- style="background:darkkhaki; color:white;"
|DarkKhaki ||BD B7 6B||189 183 107
|colspan=3; style="background:whitesmoke; color:slategray; text-align:left;"|<big>'''Бэзавыя'''</big>
|- style="background:lavender; color:black;"
|Lavender ||E6 E6 FA||230 230 250
|- style="background:thistle; color:white;"
|Thistle ||D8 BF D8||216 191 216
|- style="background:plum; color:white;"
|Plum ||DD A0 DD||221 160 221
|- style="background:violet; color:white;"
|Violet ||EE 82 EE||238 130 238
|- style="background:orchid; color:white;"
|Orchid ||DA 70 D6||218 112 214
|- style="background:fuchsia; color:white;"
|Fuchsia ||FF 00 FF||255 0 255
|- style="background:magenta; color:white;"
|Magenta||FF 00 FF||255 0 255
|- style="background:mediumorchid; color:white;"
|MediumOrchid ||BA 55 D3||186 85 211
|- style="background:mediumpurple; color:white;"
|MediumPurple ||93 70 DB||147 112 219
|- style="background:blueviolet; color:white;"
|BlueViolet ||8A 2B E2||138 43 226
|- style="background:darkviolet; color:white;"
|DarkViolet ||94 00 D3||148 0 211
|- style="background:darkorchid; color:white;"
|DarkOrchid ||99 32 CC||153 50 204
|- style="background:darkmagenta; color:white;"
|DarkMagenta ||8B 00 8B||139 0 139
|- style="background:purple; color:white;"
|Purple ||80 00 80||128 0 128
|- style="background:indigo; color:white;"
|Indigo ||4B 00 82|| 75 0 130
|- style="background:slateblue; color:white;"
|SlateBlue ||6A 5A CD||106 90 205
|- style="background:darkslateblue; color:white;"
|DarkSlateBlue ||48 3D 8B|| 72 61 139
Радок 199 ⟶ 200:
|colspan=3; style="background:whitesmoke; color:slategray; text-align:left;"|<big>'''Зялёныя'''</big>
|- style="background:greenyellow; color:black;"
|GreenYellow ||AD FF 2F||173 255 47
|- style="background:chartreuse; color:black;"
|Chartreuse ||7F FF 00||127 255 0
|- style="background:lawngreen; color:black;"
|LawnGreen ||7C FC 00||124 252 0
|- style="background:lime; color:black;"
|Lime ||00 FF 00|| 0 255 0
|- style="background:limegreen; color:black;"
|LimeGreen ||32 CD 32|| 50 205 50
|- style="background:palegreen; color:black;"
|PaleGreen ||98 FB 98||152 251 152
|- style="background:lightgreen; color:black;"
|LightGreen ||90 EE 90||144 238 144
|- style="background:mediumspringgreen; color:black;"
|MediumSpringGreen||00 FA 9A|| 0 250 154
|- style="background:springgreen; color:black;"
|SpringGreen ||00 FF 7F|| 0 255 127
|- style="background:mediumseagreen; color:white;"
|MediumSeaGreen ||3C B3 71|| 60 179 113
|- style="background:seagreen; color:white;"
|SeaGreen ||2E 8B 57|| 46 139 87
|- style="background:forestgreen; color:white;"
|ForestGreen ||22 8B 22|| 34 139 34
|- style="background:green; color:white;"
|Green ||00 80 00|| 0 128 0
|- style="background:darkgreen; color:white;"
|DarkGreen ||00 64 00|| 0 100 0
|- style="background:yellowgreen; color:white;"
|YellowGreen ||9A CD 32||154 205 50
|- style="background:olivedrab; color:white;"
|OliveDrab ||6B 8E 23||107 142 35
|- style="background:olive; color:white;"
|Olive ||80 80 00||128 128 0
|- style="background:darkolivegreen; color:white;"
|DarkOliveGreen ||55 6B 2F|| 85 107 47
|- style="background:mediumaquamarine; color:black;"
|MediumAquamarine||66 CD AA||102 205 170
|- style="background:darkseagreen; color:white;"
|DarkSeaGreen ||8F BC 8F||143 188 143
|- style="background:lightseagreen; color:white;"
|LightSeaGreen ||20 B2 AA|| 32 178 170
|- style="background:darkcyan; color:white;"
|DarkCyan ||00 8B 8B|| 0 139 139
|- style="background:teal; color:white;"
|Teal ||00 80 80|| 0 128 128
|colspan=3; style="background:whitesmoke; color:slategray; text-align:left;"|<big>'''Сінія'''</big>
|- style="background:aqua; color:black;"
|Aqua ||00 FF FF|| 0 255 255
|- style="background:cyan; color:black;"
|Cyan ||00 FF FF|| 0 255 255
|- style="background:lightcyan; color:black;"
|LightCyan ||E0 FF FF||224 255 255
|- style="background:paleturquoise; color:black;"
|PaleTurquoise ||AF EE EE||175 238 238
|- style="background:aquamarine; color:black;"
|Aquamarine ||7F FF D4||127 255 212
|- style="background:turquoise; color:black;"
|Turquoise ||40 E0 D0|| 64 224 208
|- style="background:mediumturquoise; color:white;"
|MediumTurquoise ||48 D1 CC|| 72 209 204
|- style="background:darkturquoise; color:white;"
|DarkTurquoise||00 CE D1|| 0 206 209
|- style="background:cadetblue; color:white;"
|CadetBlue ||5F 9E A0|| 95 158 160
|- style="background:steelblue; color:white;"
|SteelBlue ||46 82 B4|| 70 130 180
|- style="background:lightsteelblue; color:black;"
|LightSteelBlue ||B0 C4 DE||176 196 222
|- style="background:powderblue; color:black;"
|PowderBlue ||B0 E0 E6||176 224 230
|- style="background:lightblue; color:black;"
|LightBlue ||AD D8 E6||173 216 230
|- style="background:skyblue; color:black;"
|SkyBlue ||87 CE EB||135 206 235
|- style="background:lightskyblue; color:black;"
|LightSkyBlue||87 CE FA||135 206 250
|- style="background:deepskyblue; color:white;"
|DeepSkyBlue ||00 BF FF|| 0 191 255
|- style="background:dodgerblue; color:white;"
|DodgerBlue ||1E 90 FF|| 30 144 255
|- style="background:cornflowerblue; color:white;"
|CornflowerBlue||64 95 ED||100 149 237
|- style="background:mediumslateblue; color:white;"
|MediumSlateBlue||7B 68 EE||123 104 238
|- style="background:royalblue; color:white;"
|RoyalBlue ||41 69 E1|| 65 105 225
|- style="background:blue; color:white;"
|Blue ||00 00 FF|| 0 0 255
|- style="background:mediumblue; color:white;"
|MediumBlue ||00 00 CD|| 0 0 205
|- style="background:darkblue; color:white;"
|DarkBlue ||00 00 8B|| 0 0 139
|- style="background:navy; color:white;"
|Navy ||00 00 80|| 0 0 128
|- style="background:midnightblue; color:white;"
|MidnightBlue ||19 19 70|| 25 25 112
Радок 306 ⟶ 307:
|colspan=3; style="background:whitesmoke; color:slategray; text-align:left;"|<big>'''Карычневыя'''</big>
|- style="background:cornsilk; color:black;"
|Cornsilk ||FF F8 DC||255 248 220
|- style="background:blanchedalmond; color:black;"
|BlanchedAlmond ||FF EB CD||255 235 205
|- style="background:bisque; color:black;"
|Bisque ||FF E4 C4||255 228 196
|- style="background:navajowhite; color:black;"
|NavajoWhite ||FF DE AD||255 222 173
|- style="background:wheat; color:black;"
|Wheat ||F5 DE B3||245 222 179
|- style="background:burlywood; color:white;"
|BurlyWood ||DE B8 87||222 184 135
|- style="background:tan; color:white;"
|Tan ||D2 B4 8C||210 180 140
|- style="background:rosybrown; color:white;"
|RosyBrown ||BC 8F 8F||188 143 143
|- style="background:sandybrown; color:white;"
|SandyBrown ||F4 A4 60||244 164 96
|- style="background:goldenrod; color:white;"
|Goldenrod ||DA A5 20||218 165 32
|- style="background:darkgoldenrod; color:white;"
|DarkGoldenrod ||B8 86 0B||184 134 11
|- style="background:peru; color:white;"
|Peru ||CD 85 3F||205 133 63
|- style="background:chocolate; color:white;"
|Chocolate ||D2 69 1E||210 105 30
|- style="background:saddlebrown; color:white;"
|SaddleBrown ||8B 45 13||139 69 19
|- style="background:sienna; color:white;"
|Sienna ||A0 52 2D||160 82 45
|- style="background:brown; color:white;"
|Brown ||A5 2A 2A||165 42 42
|- style="background:maroon; color:white;"
|Maroon ||80 00 00||128 0 0
|colspan=3; style="background:whitesmoke; color:slategray; text-align:left;"|<big>'''Белыя'''</big>
|- style="background:white; color:black;"
|White ||FF FF FF||255 255 255
|- style="background:snow; color:black;"
|Snow ||FF FA FA||255 250 250
|- style="background:honeydew; color:black;"
|Honeydew ||F0 FF F0||240 255 240
|- style="background:mintcream; color:black;"
|MintCream ||F5 FF FA||245 255 250
|- style="background:azure; color:black;"
|Azure ||F0 FF FF||240 255 255
|- style="background:aliceblue; color:black;"
|AliceBlue ||F0 F8 FF||240 248 255
|- style="background:ghostwhite; color:black;"
|GhostWhite ||F8 F8 FF||248 248 255
|- style="background:whitesmoke; color:black;"
|WhiteSmoke ||F5 F5 F5||245 245 245
|- style="background:seashell; color:black;"
|Seashell ||FF F5 EE||255 245 238
|- style="background:beige; color:black;"
|Beige ||F5 F5 DC||245 245 220
|- style="background:oldlace; color:black;"
|OldLace ||FD F5 E6||253 245 230
|- style="background:floralwhite; color:black;"
|FloralWhite ||FF FA F0||255 250 240
|- style="background:ivory; color:black;"
|Ivory ||FF FF F0||255 255 240
|- style="background:antiquewhite; color:black;"
|AntiqueWhite ||FA EB D7||250 235 215
|- style="background:linen; color:black;"
|Linen ||FA F0 E6||250 240 230
|- style="background:lavenderblush; color:black;"
|LavenderBlush ||FF F0 F5||255 240 245
|- style="background:mistyrose; color:black;"
|MistyRose ||FF E4 E1||255 228 225
|colspan=3; style="background:whitesmoke; color:slategray; text-align:left;"|<big>'''Шэрыя'''</big>
|- style="background:gainsboro; color:black;"
|Gainsboro ||DC DC DC||220 220 220
|- style="background:lightgrey; color:black;"
|LightGrey ||D3 D3 D3||211 211 211
|- style="background:silver; color:black;"
|Silver ||C0 C0 C0||192 192 192
|- style="background:darkgray; color:black;"
|DarkGray ||A9 A9 A9||169 169 169
|- style="background:gray; color:white;"
|Gray ||80 80 80||128 128 128
|- style="background:dimgray; color:white;"
|DimGray ||69 69 69||105 105 105
|- style="background:lightslategray; color:white;"
|LightSlateGray ||77 88 99||119 136 153
|- style="background:slategray; color:white;"
|SlateGray ||70 80 90||112 128 144
|- style="background:darkslategray; color:white;"
|DarkSlateGray ||2F 4F 4F|| 47 79 79
|- style="background:black; color:white;"
|Black ||00 00 00|| 0 0 0
Радок 402 ⟶ 403:
== Спасылкі ==
Спіс колераў, якія правільна адлюстроўваюцца браўзарамі:
# Рускамоўны рэсурс - — http://www.artlebedev.ru/tools/colors/
# Англійскамоўны рэсурс - — http://www.colorblender.com/
# HTML Color Spectrum Chart - — http://mysite.verizon.net/laurin99/colorchart.htm