Андрэй Катлярчук: Розніца паміж версіямі

[дагледжаная версія][дагледжаная версія]
Змесціва выдалена Змесціва дададзена
Радок 62:
# “The Bakhtin’s theory and the studies of Belarusian popular culture”, Dialogue. Carnival, Chronotop. International Bakhtin Journal, 1998, 3 (24), pp. 46–59. (In Russian). http://nevmenandr.net/dkx/?y=1998&n=3&abs=KOTL
=== ReviewsРэцэнзіі ===
* Weiss-Wendt, Anton (ed.), The Nazi genocide of the Roma: reassessment and commemoration, Berghahn Books, New York, 2013, in: Holocaust and Modernity, 2014:1, pp. 105–118105-118. http://holocaust.kiev.ua/
* Deland, Mats. Purgatorium: Sverige och andra världskrigets förbrytare. Stockholm: Atlas.2012, in: Arche, ISSN 1392-9682, Vol. 5, pp. 166–172166-172. http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:749122/FULLTEXT02.pdf
* Audronė Janužytė Historians as Nation State-Builders: the Formation of Lithuanian University 1904-19221904—1922. 2006, in: Nordisk Østforum, ISSN 0801-7220, Vol. 20: 4, pp. 459–461459-461. http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:579147/FULLTEXT02.pdf
* Bernhard Chiari. Alltag hinter der Front: Besatzung, Kollaboration und Widerstand in Weißrußland 1941–19441941—1944. Düsseldorf, 1998. Ab Imperio. 2007:3. pp. 482–492482-492. http://abimperio.net/cgi-bin/aishow.pl?state=srch&idlang=2&s=котлярчук
* Gaunt David, Levine Paul A. and Palosuo Laura (eds). 2004. Collaboration and Resistance during the Holocaust. Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Bern: Peter Lang, 2004. ARCHE, vol. 3. 2005. http://arche.bymedia.net/2005-3/katlarcuk305.htm
* Eriksonas, Linas. 2004. National heroes and national identities. Scotland, Norway and Lithuania. Brussels. 320 pp. Belarusian Historical Review, 2004:11. http://www.belhistory.eu/eriksonas-linas-national-heroes-and-national-identities-scotland-norway-and-lithuania-andrej-katlyarchuk/
* Lindner, Rainer. 1999. Historiker und Herrschaft: Nationsbildung und Geschichtspolitik in Weissrussland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. München. ARCHE. Minsk, 2004:2. http://arche.bymedia.net/2004-2/katlarcuk204.htm
* Stone, Daniel. 2001. The Polish-Lithuanian state, 1386-17951386—1795. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2001. 374 p. ARCHE, vol. 5. 2003. http://arche.bymedia.net/2003-5/katl503.html
* Snyder, Timothy. 2003. The reconstruction of Nations. Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus 1569-19991569—1999. Yale University, USA. 367 p. ARCHE, vol. 2. 2003. http://kamunikat.org/usie_czasopisy.html?pubid=12676