Пандэмія COVID-19: Розніца паміж версіямі

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→‎Распаўсюджванне: абнаўленне звестак
→‎Распаўсюджванне: абнаўленне звестак
Радок 162:
|<ref name="VG">{{Cite web|url=https://www.vg.no/spesial/2020/corona-viruset/|title=Live: Corona-viruset sprer seg i Norge og verden|website=VG Nett}}</ref>
Радок 227:
|| 987 2547|| 24 62|| 83163
|<ref>{{cite web|author = |url = https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1601095 |title = Update on Novel Coronavirus: one positive case reported in Kerala |lang = |website = pib.gov.in |date = |accessdate = 2020-02-28|deadlink = no}}</ref>
|| 1495 2458|| 12 35|| 29126
|<ref>{{cite web |title=COVID-19 Health Advisory Platform by Ministry of National Health Services Regulations and Coordination |url=http://covid.gov.pk/ |website=covid.gov.pk |accessdate=26 March 2020}}</ref>
|{{Сцягафікацыя|Саудаўская Аравія}}
|| 1203 2039|| 4 25|| 35351
|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/gulf/2020/03/28/Coronavirus-Saudi-Arabia-confirms-99-new-cases-raising-total-to-1-203.html|title=Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia confirms 99 new cases, death toll reaches 4|work=Al Arabiya|date=28 March 2020|access-date=28 March 2020}}</ref>
|| 1155 1986|| 102 181|| 46134
|<ref>{{cite web|author = |url = https://covid19.kemkes.go.id/|title = Info Infeksi Emerging Kementerian Kesehatan RI |lang =id|website =covid19.kemkes.go.id|date = |accessdate = 2020-03-28|deadlink = no}}</ref>
|| 1245 1978|| 6 19|| 97581
|<ref>{{cite web|url= https://covid19.moph.go.th/#/portal|title=โรคติดเชื้อไวรัสโคโรนา 2019 (COVID-19)|work=Department of Disease Control (Thailand)|language=th}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/thailand-reports-109-new-coronavirus-cases-and-one-death?|title=Thailand reports 109 new coronavirus cases and one death|date=28 March 2020 |publisher=Straits Times}}</ref>
|| 1061 1613|| 32 59|| 5253
|<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.moh.gov.gr/articles/ministry/grafeio-typoy|title=Γραφείο Τύπου|author=|website=www.moh.gov.gr|date=|publisher=|lang=el|deadlink=no|accessdate=2020-03-11}}</ref>
|| 1167 1608|| 9 19|| 10
|<ref>{{cite web|author =FINNISH INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH AND WELFARE |url = https://thl.fi/en/web/infectious-diseases/what-s-new/coronavirus-covid-19-latest-updates |title = Coronavirus COVID-19 – Latest Updates |lang =en |website = |date = |accessdate = 2020-03-11|deadlink = no}}</ref>
|| 7171510|| 12 50|| 4634
|<ref>{{cite news |last1=Ríodoce |first1=Redacción |title=Se registran 132 casos nuevos de Covid-19 en México; suman 717 |url=https://riodoce.mx/2020/03/27/se-registran-132-casos-nuevos-de-covid-19-en-mexico-suman-717/#elementor-action%3Aaction%3Dpopup%3Aopen%20settings%3DeyJpZCI6IjQ0NCIsInRvZ2dsZSI6ZmFsc2V9|accessdate=28 March 2020|language=es}}</ref>
|{{Сцягафікацыя|Паўднёва-Афрыканская Рэспубліка}}
|| 11871505 || 2 9|| 431
|<ref>{{cite web|author =National Institute for Communicable Diseases|url = http://www.nicd.ac.za/covid-19-update-18/|title = COVID-19 UPDATE |lang =en|website = |date =2020-03-16 |accessdate = 2020-03-17|deadlink = no}}</ref>
|{{Сцягафікацыя|Дамініканская Рэспубліка}}
|| 719 1488|| 28 68|| 316
|<ref>{{cite news|url=https://elnacional.com.do/aumentan-a-28-los-fallecidos-por-coronavirus-en-republica-dominicana/ |title=Aumentan a 28 los fallecidos por coronavirus en República Dominicana |date=28 March 2020 |work=El Nacional|language=es}}</ref>
|| 784 1475|| 14 37|| 210
|<ref>{{cite web|url=http://minsa.gob.pa/coronavirus-covid19|title=Casos de Coronavirus COVID-19 en Panamá|work=Ministerio de Salud de la República de Panamá|language=es}}</ref>
|{{Сцяг|Перу}} [[Распаўсюджванне COVID-19 у Перу|Перу]]
|| 671 1414|| 16 55|| 1537
|<ref>{{cite web|author =Gobierno del Perú|url = https://www.gob.pe/8662-ministerio-de-salud-coronavirus-en-el-peru/|title = Coronavirus en el Perú |lang = es|website = |date = |accessdate = 2020-03-28|deadlink = no}}</ref>
|| 963 1364|| 2 4|| 114336
|<ref>{{cite web |title = COVID-19 á Íslandi - Tölfræði |url = https://www.covid.is/tolulegar-upplysingar |website = www.covid.is |accessdate = 2020-03-18|date = 2020-03-18}}</ref>
|| 690 1265|| 17 36|| 72248
|<ref>{{cite web|author = |url = https://www.argentina.gob.ar/coronavirus/informe-diario|title = Nuevo coronavirus COVID-19 - Informe diario |lang =es|website =www.argentina.gob.ar|date = |accessdate = 2020-03-28|deadlink = no}}</ref>
|| 454 1171|| 29 105|| 6562
|{{Сцяг|Сербія}} [[Распаўсюджванне COVID-19 у Сербіі|Сербія]]
|| 659 1171|| 10 31|| 4254
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://covid19.rs/homepage-english/|title=COVID-19 |website=covid19.rs |publisher= Ministry of Health (Serbia)}}</ref>
|| 608 1161|| 6 19|| 855
|<ref>{{cite web|author = Instituto Nacional de Salud|url = https://www.ins.gov.co/Noticias/Paginas/Coronavirus.aspx|title = Coronavirus (COVID - 2019) en Colombia |lang =es|website = |date = |accessdate = 2020-03-17|deadlink = no}}</ref>
|| 802 1114|| 2 5|| 183266
|<ref>{{Cite web |url=https://www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19 |title= Updates on Covid-19 local situation |publisher=Ministry of Health (Singapore)}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/70-new-coronavirus-patients-in-singapore-of-which-41-are-imported-cases|title=70 new coronavirus patients in Singapore, of which 41 are imported cases|date=28 March 2020|publisher=The Straits Times}}</ref>
|<ref>{{cite web |title = 4th confirmed case of Wuhan virus in Singapore: MOH |url = https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/4th-confirmed-case-of-wuhan-pneumonia-virus-in-singapore-moh-12339912 |website = [[CNA (news channel)|CNA]] |accessdate = 2020-01-26|date = 2020-01-26}}</ref>
|{{Сцяг|Харватыя}} [[Распаўсюджванне COVID-19 у Харватыі|Харватыя]]
|| 657 1079|| 5 8|| 3792
|<ref>{{cite web|author = |url = https://civilna-zastita.gov.hr/vijesti/priopcenje-za-medije-stozera-civilne-zastite-republike-hrvatske-od-17-ozujka-2020-u-19-sati/2264 |title = Priopćenje za medije Stožera civilne zaštite Republike Hrvatske od 17. ožujka 2020. u 19 sati |lang =hr |website = civilna-zastita.gov.hr|date =2020-03-17 |accessdate = 2020-03-18|deadlink = no}}</ref>
|| 590 1075|| 1 3|| 4193
|<ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.moph.gov.qa/english/Pages/Coronavirus2019.aspx |title=Covid-19 |publisher=Ministry of Public Health (Qatar)}}</ref>
|| 468 1024|| 2 8|| 5296
|<ref>{{cite web|author = |url = https://www.scmp.com/news/world/middle-east/article/3048057/china-coronavirus-uae-confirms-first-cases-middle-east |title = China coronavirus: UAE confirms four members of Chinese family first cases in Middle East |lang = |website = www.scmp.com |date = |accessdate = 2020-02-28|deadlink = no}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author = |url = https://gulfnews.com/uae/health/how-first-coronavirus-case-in-uae-was-cured-1.1581323524356 |title = Watch: How the first coronavirus case in UAE was cured |lang = |website = gulfnews.com |date = |accessdate = 2020-02-28|deadlink = no}}</ref>
|{{Сцяг|Украіна}} [[Распаўсюджванне COVID-19 ва Украіне|Украіна]]
|| 418 942|| 9 23|| 519
|<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://moz.gov.ua/article/news/operativna-informacija-pro-poshirennja-koronavirusnoi-infekcii-2019-ncov-|title=Оператівна інформація про пошірення коронавірусної інфекції COVID-19|date=2020-03-16|publisher=moz.gov.ua|accessdate=2020-03-16|lang=uk}}</ref>
|| 684 802|| 9 15|| 10
|<ref>{{cite web|author = |url = https://www.gov.si/teme/koronavirus/ |title = Koronavirus COVID-19 |lang =sl |website = gov.si |date = |accessdate = 2020-03-11|deadlink = no}}</ref>
|{{Сцяг|Эстонія}} [[Распаўсюджванне COVID-19 у Эстоніі|Эстонія]]
|| 645 1018|| 1 12|| 826
|<ref>[https://www.terviseamet.ee/ru/COVID-19 Болезнь Коронавирус COVID-19]</ref>
|{{Сцягафікацыя|Ганконг}}<ref name="HM" group="Комм.">З’яўляецца складовай часткай КНР.</ref>
|| 560 || 4 || 111
|<ref>{{cite web |title = China coronavirus: after a two-day break, Hong Kong has three more cases |url = https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3048067/china-coronavirus-after-two-day-lull-hong-kong |website = South China Morning Post |date = 2020-01-29}}</ref>