(Пасля перасылкі з Фармацэўт)
Фармацыя (грэч. φάρμακον праз кальку англ.: pharmacy — лекі і прымяненне лекаў) — комплекс навукова-практычных дысцыплін, якія вывучаюць праблемы стварэння, бяспекі, даследаванні, захоўвання, вырабу, рэалізацыі і маркетынгу лекавых сродкаў, а таксама пошуку прыродных крыніц лекавых субстанцый.
У комплексе з фармакалогіяй складае навуку аб леках.
правіць- National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Архівавана 26 верасня 2016.
- National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (Canada)
- Pharmacy Board of New South Wales Архівавана 21 лютага 2017.
- Pharmacy Board of Victoria (Australia) Архівавана 11 сакавіка 2010.
- Pharmacy Council of New Zealand Архівавана 11 мая 2008.
- Pharmacy Council of India
Гісторыя і традыцыі
правіць- Navigator History of Pharmacy Архівавана 2 лістапада 2005. Collection of internet resources related to the history of pharmacy.
- RPSGB Museum Information Sheets Illustrated information sheets on objects in the history of pharmacy.
- History of Pharmacy Web Pages Архівавана 10 лютага 2012. Perbo’s History of Pharmacy Web Pages.
- Soderlund Pharmacy Museum Архівавана 18 ліпеня 2019. — Information about the history of the American Drugstore
- The Lloyd Library Library of botanical, medical, pharmaceutical, and scientific books and periodicals, and works of allied sciences
- American Institute of the History of Pharmacy American Institute of the History of Pharmacy--resources in the history of pharmacy
- PharmWeb Архівавана 4 сакавіка 2010. — Pharmaceutical Portal.
- World Pharmacy Архівавана 28 верасня 2020. — Pharmaceutical Information Guide.
- Pharmer Архівавана 19 снежня 2021. — Search Pharmaceutical & Biotech Jobs
- EgyPharmaZone Архівавана 25 лютага 2011. — Largest Egyptian Pharmaceutical Portal.
- The Virtual Library of Pharmacy — Extensive index of pharmacy-related resources, including information on careers in pharmacy, pharmacy schools, pharmaceuticaul companies, associations and conferences.
- Virtual Library of Biochemistry and Cell Biology — Resource devoted to drug discovery and chemical and pharmacological approaches to biology, biomedicine and biotechnology.
- The British Library, Pharmacy Industry section Архівавана 10 кастрычніка 2006.
- Pharmacist.com — Portal site for pharmacists and pharmacy students.
- Museu da Farmácia — Pharmacy Museum in Lisbon
- auspharm.net.au Архівавана 9 сакавіка 2021. — Portal for pharmacists practising in Australia, providing useful links, a discussion list, and feature articles
- Online Pharmacy — Portal for buying drugs online — online shop
- Pakistan Pharmacists Society — National association of pharmacists
to promote and expand their role in public health and patient care in Pakistan
- community pharmacy CE Архівавана 9 сакавіка 2008. — community pharmacy CE site
- Pharmacist’s Letter — Unbiased, research based resource for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians on new developments in drug therapy
- Навіны GMP