Шаблон:Размеркаванне імавернасцей/Дакументацыя

Дакументацыя Дакументацыя да шаблона Размеркаванне імавернасцей.



Шаблон:Infobox размеркаванне імавернасцей з'яўляецца пачаткам перакладу, копіяй Template:Infobox probability distribution ад --Swen1221 (размовы) 19:15, 13 мая 2014 (FET)

Шаблон з'яўляецца інфармацыйнай даведкай у правай частцы экрана і уключае ў сябе некаторыя параметры. Пад час перакладу загалоўкі параметраў будуць на англійскай мове. У першую чаргу будуць перакладацца надпісы і подпісы.

{{Infobox размеркаванне імавернасцей
| name       = 
| type       = 
| pdf_image  = 
| cdf_image  = 
| notation   = 
| parameters = 
| support    = 
| pdf        = 
| cdf        = 
| mean       = 
| median     = 
| mode       = 
| variance   = 
| skewness   = 
| kurtosis   = 
| entropy    = 
| mgf        = 
| cf         = 
| pgf        =
| fisher     = 
  • name — Name at the top of the infobox; should be the name of the distribution without the word "distribution" in it, eg "Normal", "Exponential" (optional).
  • type — possible values are “discrete” (or “mass”), “continuous” (or “density”), and “multivariate”.
  • pdf_image — probability density image-spec plus other text, such as: [[Image:xxx.svg|250px]]<br/>text here (optional).
  • cdf_image — cumulative distribution image-spec plus other text, such as: [[Image:yyy.svg|250px]]<br/>text here. (optional).
  • notation — typical designation for this distribution, for example . The notation should include all the distribution parameters explained in the next cell.
  • parameters — parameters of the distribution family (such as μ and σ2 for the normal distribution).
  • support — the support of the distribution, which may depend on the parameters. Specify this as <math>x \in some set</math> for continuous distributions, and as <math>k \in some set</math> for discrete distributions.
  • pdf — probability density function (or probability mass function), such as: <math>\frac{\Gamma(r+k)}{k!\,\Gamma(r)}\,p^r\,(1-p)^k \!</math>. Please exclude the function label, such as “ƒ(x;μ,σ2)”.
  • cdf — cumulative distribution function, eg: <math>I_p(r,k+1)\text{ where }I_p(x,y)</math> is the [[regularized incomplete beta function]].
  • mean — the mean, or expected value.
  • median — the median, only for univariate distributions.
  • mode — the mode.
  • variancevariance of the distribution, or covariance matrix in multivariate case.
  • skewness — the skewness.
  • kurtosis — the kurtosis excess.
  • entropy — the information entropy.
  • mgf — the moment-generating function, for example: <math>\left(\frac{p}{1-(1-p) e^t}\right)^r \!</math>.
  • char or cf — the characteristic function, such as: <math>\left(\frac{p}{1-(1-p) e^{i\,t}}\right)^r \!</math>.
  • pgf - the Probability-generating function.
  • fisher — the Fisher information matrix for the model.
  • intro — optional message which will be displayed before all other content in the infobox.
  • marginleft — margin space left of infobox (default: 1em).
  • box_width — width of the infobox (default: 325px).